In the recent century,Tehran has been confronted with urban sprawl and rapid population growth that have caused urban landscape transformation, whichis different in various parts of Tehran based on specific economic, cultural and social situations. What is important in this essay is the human perception of their landscape in this process of transformation; therefore, the purpose is analyzing landscape perception in order to answer the following questions:“What are the effective landscape elements on perception in this changing landscape?”To answer the question, two historicalparts of Tehran, Tajrish and Ray, were examinedthrough an interview. In order to analyze landscape perception in these two case studies,6 main factors includingconstructed landscape elements, rootedness, attachment to place, social relations, adaptability of use and landscape satisfaction were selected and evaluated by a questionnaire. Resultsin Tajrish have shown that elements of the past,even though destroyed or hidden, form people's perception.However, in Ray elements from recent constructions have mostly affected people's perception. Consequently, discoveringtheeffective elements, which are directly influenced by the context, is a significant factor to know how people perceive their landscape. With the consideration aboutpeople's perception in each specific context, landscape designers would be able to design valuable landscapes and enhance the quality of urban places. |
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