Today, since the contemporary world is changing to meet the needs of various people, the aim should be to provide a condition for areas and buildings in order to respond to the needs of various shapes, its future audience requirements, adaptability, flexibility, versatility, etc. Since the scarcity of environmental resources and ecological crises in the world today cannot justify the demolition and reconstruction of areas is more important. So areas should be designed in such a way to compliance with the contemporary needs. Moreover, it can be adaptive to its future audience. The method used in this research is descriptive-analysis collected using questionnaires and library tools and the software SPSS and factor analysis to analyze to express the characteristics and the reliance of each one. The results show that between the effective factors on the admissibility of space users, flexibility has the greatest impact on Adaptability and also its sub-variable (ranging versatility) has the greatest impact on flexibility of the place, and after that, fluidity factors, scalability, flexibility, and eventually, convertibility has had impact in monument of Bu-Ali which is located in Hamedan city Subsequently and convertibility is the least factor influencing the flexibility in monument of Bu-Ali in Hamedan. |
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