This study is the effects of inhalation toxic mixture of bleach and detergent was examined on the epithelial layer of trachea in the mice. In this study, 42 adult male mice NMRI race weighing 35-40 gr and from age 8 to 10 weeks were divided into 6 experimental groups and one control group. Experimental groups 1-2-3 with the using of chamber, as inhalation 20 minutes were exposure to spray the amount 1 cc of mixture of bleach and detergent by nebulizer. Experimental groups 4-5-6 were for 35 minutes to inhale the same amount of material. Mice killed at 24-48-72 hours after inhalation and the trachea was studied pathology. In microscopic sections of tissue taken from the trachea the experimental group compared with the control group was changed to include: stimulation and activation of the respiratory epithelium hungarian (Mocusa layer), reducing the length of ciliated columnar cells, reducing the number of goblet cells ,loss of cilia, chaos and clutter on the order of tissue. In addition, statistically, the changes in length of ciliated columnar epithelium cells in experimental groups 3 and 6 seen significantly decreased than control group and the number of experimental groups 2 and 4 goblet cells significantly increased compared to control group, experimental group 6 was significantly decreased than the control group. As a result discussion, increasing the inhalation time of mixing bleach and detergent, also as time passed, cause to increase the tissue damage and changes. |
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