This study provides a evaluation of the initial carbonate mineralogy, and diagenetic condition of the Ruteh Formation, a middle-late Permian carbonate sequence, in the Emarat section in Central Alborz, northern Iran. 200 samples were examined for petrographical contents and thirty-four samples were collected for geochemical analysis. The high Sr and Na contents, Sr/Na>1, and the presence of dolomites and dissolution fractures are indicative aragonite early mineralogy. The diagenetic process in the Ruteh Fm. are an indication of the marine, meteoric and burial diagenetic environments. The original carbonate texture in the Ruteh Fm. are Severely affected by diagenetic process. The data obtained from the values of the Major (Ca and Mg), minor (Sr, Na, Fe, and Mn), oxygen and carbone isotopes show the initial aragonite composition of the Ruteh Fm. deposited in a subtropical shallow water. An open diagenetic system was indicated by changes in the values of Sr / Ca and δ18O vs. Mn. The shallow burial diagenetic temperature of the Ruteh carbonate was approximate 28.6°C with the maximum diagenetic temperature of 53.4°C. |
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