
Physiological Characteristics of Two Rose Cultivars (Rosa hybrida L.) under Different Levels of Shading in Greenhouse Conditions

صفحه 147-155
Mansoure Hatamian؛ Hassan Salehi


Callus Induction and Organogenesis Capacity from Lamina Explant of Petunia × hybrida F1 Induced by BA and NAA

صفحه 157-162
Behzad Kaviani؛ Danesh Kazemi


Soil Cover Effects on Yield and Some Physiological Characteristics of Marigold (Calendula officinalis L.) under Methanol Foliar Application

صفحه 163-169
Lamia Vojodi؛ Mohamm Bagher Hassanpouraghdam؛ Rana Valizadeh Kamran؛ Asghar Ebrahimzadeh


Seed Priming Increases Germination and Seedling Quality in Antirrhinum, Dahlia, Impatiens, Salvia and Zinnia Seeds

صفحه 171-176
Eren Ozden؛ Sıtkı Ermiş؛ İbrahim Demir


Pathogenicity of Fungal Agents Related to the Diseases of Conifers of Cupressaceae in Greenhouse Conditions

صفحه 177-187
Mohammad Reza Safari Motlagh؛ Fatemeh Ramezani Rad


Strategies of gaining competitive advantage based on focusing on customers and market strategy for Extension and Development of medicinal and ornamental plants Enterprises in Ilam province

صفحه 189-195
homayoon moradnezhadi؛ mohamad jasemi؛ hossein mahdizade


The Feasibility Study on the Prediction of Ploidy Levels Base on Pollen Dimensions in Rosa

صفحه 197-204
Toktam Ahmadi؛ Zahra Karimian؛ Maryam Jafarkhani Kermani


Effect of Growth Medium and Calcium Nano-Fertilizer on Quality and Some Characteristics of Gerbera Cut Flower

صفحه 205-213
Leila Mohammadbagheri؛ Davood Naderi

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