
An Overview of Sex Selection at Conception in Mammals

صفحه 463-476
J. Kouamo؛ S.D. Kharche


Influence of Processing of Barley Grain on Characteristics of Digestion, Ruminal Fermentation and Digestible Energy of Diet inLactating Cows

صفحه 477-484
M.A. López-Soto؛ A. Barreras؛ J.F. Calderón-Cortés؛ A. Plascencia؛ J.D. Urías-Estrada؛ J.A. Aguilar-Hernández؛ B. Sánchez-Mendoza؛ A. Montelongo-Terriquez؛ R.M. Bermúdez-Hurtado؛ A. Estrada-Angulo؛ R.A. Zinn


Effects of Supplementing Xylose‐Treated Soybean Meal or Untreated Corn Gluten Meal to Lactating Dairy Cows

صفحه 485-491
M. Jahani-Moghadam؛ E. Mahjoubi؛ H. Amanlou؛ S. Mohammadi


Effect of Flushed Feeding and Age on Estrus Synchronization and Conception Rate of Holstein × Local Crossbred Cows After Using Analogue GnRH and Prostaglandin F2α Hormone

صفحه 493-497
M. Sydur Rahman؛ M. Kabirul Islam Khan؛ T. Bilkis


Temporal Changes in Endogenous Estrogens and Expressionof Behaviors Associated with Estrus during the Periovulatory Period in Doublesynch Treated Murrah Buffaloes (Bubalus bubalis)

صفحه 499-504
R. Mirmahmoudi؛ B.S. Prakash


Immune Responses and some Blood Metabolite Responses of Female Holstein Calves to Dietary Supplementationwith Licorice Root (Glycyrrhiza glabra)

صفحه 505-508
R. Sajjadi؛ A.A. Solati؛ M. Khodaei Motlagh؛ M. Kazemi Bonchenari


Differential Adoption of Improved Dairy Husbandry Practices in Hill and Valley Regions of Manipur (India)

صفحه 509-514
A. Shyam Singh؛ K. Singh؛ R. Chakravarty؛ P. Imtiwati


Influence of Fibrolytic Enzymes on the in vitro Hydrolysis and Fermentation of Different Types of Roughages Treatment

صفحه 515-520
A. Moharrery


Milk Traits and Their Relationship with Udder Measurements in Awassi Ewes

صفحه 521-526
K.Y. Merkhan


Estimation of Economic Values of Productive Traits in Taleshi Sheep of Iran

صفحه 527-530
A. Lavvaf؛ M.B. Zandi؛ A. Noshari


Construction of Effective Livestock Insurance Model in Ukraine

صفحه 531-534
O. Alshanova


Effect of Crude Soybean Oil Sediment as a Substitute for Refined Soybean Oil in Broiler Diet

صفحه 535-540
M.E. Hossain؛ G.B. Das


Performance of Broiler Chickens Fed Two Varieties of Guinea Corn and Millets as Replacement for Maize

صفحه 541-547
E.D. Bulus؛ E.A. Ibe؛ S.T. Yakubu؛ I. Samuel؛ O.J. Makinde


Intestinal Morphology and Microbiology of Broiler Chicken Fed Diets Containing Myrtle (Myrtus communis) Essential Oil Supplementation

صفحه 549-554
S. Ghazanfari؛ M. Adib Moradi؛ M. Mahmoodi Bardzardi


Effect of Tomato Waste Meal on Lay Performance, Egg Quality, Lipid Profile and Carotene Content of Eggs in Laying Hens

صفحه 555-559
M. Habanabashaka؛ M. Sengabo؛ I.O. Oladunjoye


The Effects of L-Carnitine and Different Levels of Animal Fat on Performance, Carcass Characteristics, some Blood Parameters and Immune Response in Broiler Chicks

صفحه 561-566
K. Parsaeimehr؛ M. Afrouziyeh؛ S. Hoseinzadeh


Application of Mathematical Models to Estimate Metabolizable Energy Contents of Energetic Concentrate Feedstuffs for Poultry

صفحه 567-572
M. Sedghi؛ K. Tayebipoor؛ B. Poursina؛ M. Eman Toosi؛ P. Soleimani Roudi


The Effect of Powder and Essential Oil of Savory Medicinal Plant Me (Satureja hortensis)on Performance and Antioxidant Status of Broiler Chicks under Heat Stress

صفحه 573-577
S. Montazeri؛ M. Jafari؛ S. Khojasteh


Effects of Glutamine Supplementation on Growth Performance and Antioxidant Status in Broilers with Pulmonary Hypertension Syndrome (PHS)

صفحه 579-585
M. Fathi؛ T. Tanha؛ M. Daneshyar


Determination of Apparent and True Digestibility of Poultry by Product Meal in Broiler Chickens

صفحه 587-590
A. Zarei؛ V. Jaberzadeh؛ B. Hemmati


The Effects of Different Levels of Grass ClippingWaste on Performance, Egg Traits and Blood Parameters of Laying Hens

صفحه 591-596
A. Nobakht


Evaluation of Two Laying Systems (Floor vs. Cage) on Egg Production, Quality and Safety

صفحه 597-601
V.G. Stanley؛ D. Nelson؛ M.B. Daley


Relationship between Phenotypic Sexual Characters and Semen Characteristics in Four Strains of Cocks in Northern Nigeria

صفحه 603-608
A.A. Ibrahim؛ N.K. Alade؛ J. Aliyu؛ A.I. Muhammad


Morphometric Traits and Correlation between Body Weight and Body Size Traits in Isa Brown and IlorinEcotype Chickens

صفحه 609-614
T.R. Fayeye؛ J.K. Hagan؛ A.R. Obadare


A Survey on Turkey Rearing in Rural Areas of Kwara State, Nigeria

صفحه 615-619
O.J. Amao؛ K.L. Ayorinde؛ T.R. Fayeye


Effect of Propolis Supplementation on Productive Performance in Local Quail

صفحه 621-627
I.T. Tayeb؛ B.F. Sulaiman


Lysine Requirements of Female Japanese Quails Base on Performance and Carcass Variables from Twenty-One to Forty-Two Days of Age

صفحه 629-635
I. Hajkhodadadi؛ H. Moravej؛ M. Shivazad؛ H. Ghasemi؛ A. Zareh-Shahneh


The Comparative Analysis of the Allele Pool of Thoroughbred Horses in Different Countries

صفحه 637-641
A.V. Shelyov؛ O.V. Melnyk؛ I.O. Suprun؛ V.G. Spyrydonov؛ S.D. Melnychuk؛ V.V. Dzitsiuk؛ B.M. Gopka


Reduced Skull Sexual Dimorphism in a Local Sheep Breed

صفحه 643-646
P.M. Pares-Casanova


Fear Response in Roosters Orally Exposed to Alcohol: An Alternative Animal Model

صفحه 647-649
F. Pazhoohi؛ S. Shojaee؛ M.M. Ommati؛ F. Saemi؛ A. Akhlaghi

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