
Study on the Pull-In Instability of Gold Micro-Switches Using Variable Length Scale Parameter

صفحه 114-123
M Fathalilou؛ M Sadeghi؛ G Rezazadeh؛ M Jalilpour؛ A Naghilou؛ S Ahouighazvin


Performance Analysis of Different Modified MR Engines Mounts

صفحه 124-131
T Feyzi؛ R Tikani؛ M Esfahanian؛ S Ziaei Rad


Thermal Stress Analysis of a Composite Cylinder Reinforced with FG SWCNTs

صفحه 132-141
A Ghorbanpour Arani؛ S Amir؛ V Sadooghi؛ M Mohammadimehr


Time-Dependent Thermo-Electro-Mechanical Creep Behavior of Radially Polarized FGPM Rotating Cylinder

صفحه 142-157
A Ghorbanpour Arani؛ R Kolahchi؛ A.A Mosallaie Barzoki؛ A Loghman


Mechanical Behavior of a FGM Capacitive Micro-Beam Subjected to a Heat Source

صفحه 158-171
I JafarSadeghi-Pournaki؛ M.R Zamanzadeh؛ R Shabani؛ G Rezazadeh


Free Vibration of Thick Isotropic Plates Using Trigonometric Shear Deformation Theory

صفحه 172-182
Y.M Ghugal؛ A.S Sayyad


A Power Series Solution for Free Vibration of Variable Thickness Mindlin Circular Plates with Two-Directional Material Heterogeneity and Elastic Foundations

صفحه 183-197
M.M Alipour؛ M Shariyat


Effect of Boundary Condition on Pre-Existing Crack Under Fatigue Loading

صفحه 198-207
V.K Singh؛ P.C Gope؛ R.K Bhagat

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب