
Preparation and molecular weight determination of soya-beans and benniseed oil-modified alkyd resins

صفحه 231-238
Adeniyi S. Ogunlaja؛ Olufunmilayo Abiona


Conformational Study of some novel Methoxy Half-Analogues of Michler’s Ketone by NMR

صفحه 239-241
Naghi Saadatjou؛ Geoffrey Hallas


Silica sulfuric acid mediated protection of carbonyl groups as 2,4- dinitrophenylhydrazone

صفحه 243-246
Mehdi Fallah-Mehrjardi؛ Ali Reza Kiasat


Potentiometeric study of protonation and complex formation of some amino acids with Zn (II) , Co(II) and Ni (II) in aqueous solution

صفحه 247-255
Mohammad Mazloum-Ardakani؛ Sharam Lotfi؛ Jahan B. Ghasemi


Thermodynamic, spectral and antimicrobial activity of inclusion complexes of acridone and its oxime with β-cyclodextrin

صفحه 257-265
Swapna Sankar Nayak؛ Sunakar Panda


Solution state studies on thermodynamic parameters and complexation behavior of inner transition metal ions with creatinine in aqueous and mixed equilibria

صفحه 267-275
Sangita Sharma؛ Ashish Patel؛ Jasmin Bhalodia؛ Jayesh Ramani


Biologically vital metal-based antimicrobial active mixed ligand complexes: synthesis, characterization, DNA binding and cleavage studies

صفحه 277-291
Natarajan Raman؛ Ramaraj Jeyamurugan؛ Arumhgam Sakthivel؛ Rajendran Antony


Study of protonation equilibrium of lorazepam by potentiometry and multiwavelengths spectrophotometry

صفحه 293-297
Ateesa Yazdanipour

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب