
Optimization of the Pulsed Gas Tungsten Arc Welding in Dissimilar Joining Austenitic Stainless Steel AISI 316L to Nickel-Base Super Alloy of Monel 400

صفحه 587-594
Ali Khalili؛ Masoud Kasiri-Asgarani؛ Mortaza Shamanian


Experimental investigation of relative thermal conductivity of MWCNTs-CuO/Water nanofluids

صفحه 595-602
masoud Zadkhast؛ Davood Toghraee؛ Arash karimipour


Optimization of the parameters of low-carbon steel (EN10130) welding using friction stir welding method

صفحه 603-612
Akbar Alimohammady؛ Masoud Kasiri؛ Masoud Afrand؛ Hossein Noruzi Forooshani


Numerical study on the effect of input variations on bulge height in hot tube metal gas forming process

صفحه 613-618
Mehdi chogan؛ Mohsen loh-Mosavi


Fatigue Analysis and Optimization of Crankshaft of V8 Diesel Engine

صفحه 619-630
Ali Abdollahifar؛ Mohammad Amin Khoshuee؛ Seyyed Masoud Hashemi


Free vibration analysis of circular sandwich plates with clamped FG face sheets

صفحه 631-646
Younes Mohammadi؛ Keivan H Safari؛ Mohsen Rahmani


Assessment of a Column Type Six-Component Force/Torque Sensor by Theoretical, Simulation and Experimental Approaches

صفحه 647-660
Seyed Reza Hamzeloo؛ Mohammad Morad Sheikhi؛ Hossein Akbari


Time Dependent Analysis of Micro-tubes Conveying Nanofluids Under Time-Varying Heat Flux

صفحه 661-672
Mohammad Hossaini؛ Meisam Khaloei؛ Abbas Zandi Baghche Maryam


Experimental Investigation of Nano-structured Aluminum Production Using Accumulative channel-die compression bonding (ACCB)

صفحه 673-686
Mohssen Motaharinezhad؛ Saeed Shahraki


Friction Stir Welding؛ Material Flow؛ Heat Generation؛ Thermal Simulation؛ Poly methyl methacrylate (PMMA)

صفحه 687-700
Hamed Aghajani Derazkola

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب