
Synthesis and purification of Carbon nanotubes

صفحه 97-104
A. Ali Moosa؛ M. Ibrahim؛ R. Farooq Salloom


Incorporation of 12-Tungstophosphoric acid in Titania spheres and fabrication of core-shell Polyoxotungstate/Titania nanostructures

صفحه 105-112
M. Seyedsadjadi؛ S. Rashidzadeh؛ N. Farhadyar


Investigation on the structural, morphological and photochemical properties of spin-coated TiO2 and ZnO thin films prepared by sol-gel method

صفحه 113-121
N. Mastali؛ H. Bakhtiari


Synthesis and nano structural study on TiO2-NiO-SiO2 composite

صفحه 123-131
M. Riazian


Degenerate four waves mixing in multilayer nanoshell

صفحه 133-138
A. Bahari؛ F. Rahimi Moghadam


Silver nanoparticles, a potential alternative to conventional anti-fungal agents to fungal pathogens affecting crop plants

صفحه 139-144
S. Papaiah؛ T.E. Seshadri Goud؛ B.S. Devi Prasad؛ G. Narasimha؛ K. Vemana


Photo catalytic property of ZnO and Mn-ZnO nanoparticles in removal of Cibacet Turquoise blue G from aquatic solution

صفحه 145-154
N. Assi؛ A.A. Mehrdad Sharif؛ H. Bakhtiari؛ Q. S. Manuchehri Naeini


Biosynthesis of Silver nanoparticles from Actinomycetes for therapeutic applications

صفحه 155-162
S. Abdeen؛ S. Geo؛ S. Sukanya؛ P.K. Praseetha؛ R.P Dhanya


Preparation and characterization of CaF2:Ce3+ nanoparticles with spectroscopic studies

صفحه 163-168
M. R. Khanlary؛ S. Ghammamy؛ M. Ghomi Gilvaee


Adsorption behavior studies of Cerium on modified Mesoporous Aluminosilicate

صفحه 169-175
H. Sepehrian؛ R. Cheraghali؛ P. Rezaei؛ H. alla Abdi


Facile and economic method for preparation of nano-colloidal Silica with controlled size and stability

صفحه 177-185
S. Sadegh Hassani؛ A. Rashidi؛ M. Adinehnia؛ N. Montakhab


Static and modal analysis of parabolic-boundary functionalized Carbon nanotube-reinforced composite plates using FEM

صفحه 187-196
M. H. Shojaeefard؛ A. Khalkhali؛ S.H. Khakshournia؛ F. Malmir


Separation of heavy metal Nickel (II) using a new nano adsorbent string GZ-BAKI-TAC-Ni-88 from Ni contaminated Water using beshel tire activated Carbon

صفحه 197-202
H. Zargarlellahi؛ H. Ghafourian

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب