
Optimizing Starch Nutrition for Rhythmic Dairy Cattle: The Sustaining Economic and Environmental Challenges of Today's Industry

صفحه 207-215
A. Nikkhah


Meta-Analysis of the Addition of Exogenous Antioxidants to in vitro Maturation Medium: Improved in vitro Nuclear Maturation of Animal Oocyte

صفحه 217-227
M. Khazaei؛ A. Vaisi-Raygani؛ F. Aghaz


Inoculation of Corn Seedlings with Piriformospora indica Influences Grain Biomass Yield, Forage Quality, Rumen Degradation Kinetics and Fourier Transformed Infrared Spectroscopy Molecular Structures

صفحه 229-240
K. Safaee؛ M. Yari؛ M. Ghabooli؛ M. Rostami؛ E. Ghasemi


Body Conformation Analysis through Biometric Traits in Borgou Cattle Breed Reared in on Station Conservation Farm in Northern Benin

صفحه 241-247
H.S.S. Worogo؛ U. Tchokponhoué؛ Y. Idrissou؛ A.S. Assani؛ C.D.A. Alabi؛ M. Azalou؛ J.S. Adjassin؛ I.T. Alkoiret


Reproductive Performance of Holstein Heifers Inseminated with Sex Sorted Semen in Various Herd Sizes

صفحه 249-259
A. Zargaran؛ M. Amin Afshar؛ S. Joezy-Shekalgorabi؛ J. Azizi؛ M. Chamani


Effects of Thyme Essential Oil and Disodium Fumarate Alone or in Combination on Performance, Blood Metabolites, Ruminal Fermentation and Microbial Communities in Holstein Dairy Cows

صفحه 261-270
H. Baraz؛ H. Jahani-Azizabadi؛ O. Azizi


Effect of Two Types of Total Mixed Rations on Production Performances of Holstein Friesian Cows in Early Lactation

صفحه 271-278
B.C. Kalansooriya؛ R.M.A.S. Bandara؛ H.M.G.P. Herath


Symbiotic-Glyconutrient Mixture or Pasteurized Colostrum as a Strategy to Increase Health and Performance during First 30-d of Birth of Calves Reared in a Dairy Farm with Good Management Practices

صفحه 279-285
M.E. Calderón-Díaz؛ G. López-Valencia؛ A. Barreras؛ F.J. Monge-Navarro؛ Y.S. Valdés García؛ S.M. Gaxiola-Camacho؛ N. Castro Del Campo؛ J.B. Leyva-Morales؛ A. Plascencia


Effect of Adding Different Levels of Folic Acid to the Culture Medium on Developmental Competence of Bovine Oocytes

صفحه 287-295
H. Baghshahi؛ S. Zeynodini؛ A. Zare Shahneh؛ S.E. Khanian؛ A.R. Yousefi؛ A. Goodarzi


Anti-Apoptotic Role of p21 and p27 Genes during Different Stages of Corpus Luteum Progression in Bovine

صفحه 297-303
H. Ali؛ S. Hayat؛ S. Ahmad؛ M. Ibrahim؛ S.A. Haider؛ S. Ullah؛ S.. Ahmad؛ H. Khan؛ I. Ul Haq


Effects of Pre-Treatment with GnRH on the Efficiency of Superstimulatory Protocol in Water Buffalo (Bubalus bubalis)

صفحه 305-310
S. Singhal؛ S. Prasad؛ H. Singh؛ M. Shukla؛ J.K. Prasad


Genetic Diversity and Maternal Origin of Indigenous Sheep of Bangladesh Using Mitochondrial DNA

صفحه 311-318
M.A. Mousumee؛ M.M. Hossain؛ M.R. Hoque؛ M.S.A. Bhuiyan


Co-Segregation of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) Affecting Pre-Weaning Traits for Fat-Tailed Ghezal Sheep in Chromosome 1

صفحه 319-327
M. Bagheri؛ A. Javanmard؛ S. Alijani؛ J. Shoja


Genetic Parameters Estimation of Prolificacy Traits under the FecB Introgression Pressure in Afshari Sheep Breed

صفحه 329-337
M. Pourtahmasebian Ahrabi؛ M.P. Eskandarinasab؛ M. Bagher Zandi Baghcheh Maryam


Impact of Siberian Larch Dihydroquercetin or Dry Distilled Rose Petals as Feed Supplements on Lamb’s Growth Performance, Carcass Characteristics and Blood Count Parameters

صفحه 339-350
N.Z. Stancheva؛ J.L. Nakev؛ D.B. Vlahova-Vangelova؛ D.K. Balev؛ S.G. Dragoev


Cryopreservation of Spermatogonial Stem Cells of Native Goat of Iran

صفحه 351-356
M. Mohebbi؛ G. Moghaddam؛ B. Qasemi-Panahi؛ H. Daghigh Kia؛ S.A. Rafat؛ G. Hamidian


Biometric Variability of Arabia Goat in Laghouat (Algeria) Using the Mean of the Principal Component Analysis

صفحه 357-364
M. Laouadi؛ S. Tennah؛ N. Azzag؛ N. Kafidi؛ N. Antoine-Moussiaux؛ N. Moula


Effects of Sodium Butyrate and Rosemary Leaf Meal on General Performance, Carcass Traits, Organ Sizes and Nutrient Digestibility of Broiler Chickens

صفحه 365-379
M.C. Ogwuegbu؛ C.E. Oyeagu؛ H.O. Edeh؛ C.E. Dim؛ A.O. Ani؛ F.B. Lewu


The Effect of in ovo Feeding Compared with Dietary Feeding of Betaine on Performance, Immunity and Liver Activity of Broiler Chickens Exposed to High Temperatures

صفحه 381-390
A. Maddahian؛ P. Dadvar؛ M. Morovat؛ M. Shamsaddini Bafti


Leucine Requirement of Female Cobb Broilers from 8 to 14 Days of Age

صفحه 391-398
S. Amirdahri؛ H. Janmohammadi؛ A. Tagizadeh؛ E.A. Soumeh؛ M. Oliayi

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب