
Assessment of Iron Fortification Influence on Organoleptics and Physico-Chemical Properties of Yogurt

N. Askary؛ M. Bolandi


Solid Phase Extraction of Trace Copper in Aqueous Samples Using C18 Membrane Disks Modified by Benzildithiosemicarbazone Prior to Flame Atomic Absorption Spectrometric (FAAS) Determination

M. Mohammadhosseini


Electrospun Nanofibrous Membranes as Potential Adsorbents for Textile Dye Removal-A review

M. Hasanzadeh؛ B. Hadavi Moghadam


Study of Antioxidant and Free Radical Scavenging Activities of Cotoneaster medicus and Glycyrrhiza glabra Plants

M. M. Heravi؛ S. Rodi؛ P. Ardalan


The Effects of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi on Nitrogen Concentration of Berseem Clover in Contaminated Soil with Cadmium

H. Aram؛ A. Golchin


Comparison of Microwave-Assisted and Hydrodistillation Methods for Extraction of Essential Oil from Achillea millefolium

S. Mollasalehi؛ B. Kashefi؛ H. Hashemi-moghaddam


Investigation of the Effects of Rosemary Extract on Barrier and Colorimetric Properties of Mungbean Starch Films

H. Safari Maznabi؛ A. Reza MohammadiNafchi


Evaluation of Antioxidant Activity of Fennel (Foeniculum vulgare) Seed Extract on Oxidative Stability of Olive Oil

Sh. Chang؛ A. Bassiri؛ H. Jalali

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