
Broiler Performance in Response to Phytate and Supplemented Phytase

صفحه 1-12
M.F. Khalid؛ M. Hussain؛ A.U. Rehman؛ M.A. Shahzad؛ M. Sharif؛ Z.U. Rahman


Modern Use of Donkeys

صفحه 13-17
D. Karatosidi؛ G. Marsico؛ S. Tarricone


Rumen Acidosis in Small Ruminants and Its Therapeutic Management

صفحه 19-24
N.A. Tufani؛ D.M. Makhdoomi؛ A. Hafiz


Ruminal Degradation Kinetics of Wheat Straw Irradiated by High Doses of Electron Beam

صفحه 25-29
P. Shawrang؛ A.A. Sadeghi؛ J. Ahmadpanah


Nutritional Status of Dairy Cattle in theNorth-Western Himalayan Region of the Kashmir Valley

صفحه 31-37
S.H. Bhat؛ D. Medhi؛ H.A. Ahmed؛ F.A. Matto


Dry Matter and Crude Protein Degradability ofMopane Worm (Imbrasia belina) in Rumen of Steers

صفحه 39-43
O.R. Madibela؛ B. Giddie؛ K.K. Mokwena


Fertility of Holstein Cattle in a Subtropical Climate of Egypt

صفحه 45-51
A.B. El-Wishy


Productive Efficiency of Lactating Buffaloes Fed Bypass Fat under Field Conditions: Effect on Milk Yield, Milk Composition, Body Weight and Economics

صفحه 53-58
S.G. Vahora؛ S. Parnerkar؛ K.B. Kore


Determinants of Technical Efficiency of the Dairy Farmers in Ada’a District of Oromia State, Ethiopia

صفحه 595-65
L. Fita؛ M.M. Trivedi؛ A.M. Patel؛ B. Tassew؛ C.G. Joshi


Analysis of Test Day Milk Yield by Random Regression Models and Evaluation of Persistency in Iranian Dairy Cows

صفحه 67-76
M. Elahi Torshizi؛ A.A. Aslamenejad؛ M.R. Nassiri؛ H. Farhangfar؛ J. Solkner؛ M. Kovac؛ G. Meszaros؛ S. Malovrh


Toxic Impact of Sub-Chronic Oral Exposure of Cyfluthrin on Antioxidant Status in Buffalo Calves

صفحه 77-81
R. Kaur؛ S. Ahsan-UI-Haq؛ B. Ranjan؛ S. Rampal


Effect of Post-Mating GnRH Treatment onSerum Progesterone Profile and Conception Rate in Buffaloes

صفحه 83-90
M.Z. Lattoo؛ S. Prasad؛ H.P. Gupta؛ A. Hussain


Alternative Feed Resources and Their Effects onthe Parametersof Rumen Fermentation, in situ Degradability, the Population of Ciliated Protozoaand the in vitro Gas Production Profile in Sicilo-Sarde Sheep

صفحه 91-99
H. Selmi؛ B. Jemmali؛ A. Ben Gara؛ B. Rekik؛ H. Rouissi


Study of Milking Efficiency, Biochemical Milk Composition and Hormonal Blood Parameters of Armenian Goat Breeds for the Second Lactation Period

صفحه 101-104
G.Y. Marmaryan


Environmental and Genetic Factors Affecting Early Growth Traits in Three Yemeni Indigenous Sheep Breeds

صفحه 105-112
A.M. Albial؛ J. Singh


The Effect of Organic Selenium Supplementation on the Broilers' Immune Response

صفحه 113-118
M.B. Saad؛ L.R.S. Gertner؛ L.N. Kuritza؛ R.M. Hayashi؛ L. Pickler؛ E. Santin


Economic Opportunity Survey of Small Dairy Farms in the Southwest Part of Iran

صفحه 119-124
M. Vatankhah؛ M. Faraji؛ A.A. Gharadaghi؛ A.R. Aghashahi


Effect of Replacing Bone Ash with Eggshell Meal on Nutrient Digestibility and Blood Parameters of Broiler Chickens

صفحه 125-129
S.E. Alu


Growth Performance and Biochemical Parametersof Broiler Chickens on Diets Consist of Chicory (Cichorium intybus) and Nettle (Urtica dioica) with or without Multi-Enzyme

صفحه 131-137
A. Safamehr؛ F. Fallah؛ A. Nobakht


Effect of Dietary Melatonin and L-Tryptophan on Growth Performance and Immune Responses ofBroiler Chicken under Experimental Aflatoxicosis

صفحه 139-144
R.J. Patil؛ J.S. Tyagi؛ M. Sirajudeen؛ R. Singh؛ R.P. Moudgal؛ J. Mohan


Effects of Different Levels of Dried Lemon (Citrus aurantifulia) Pulpon Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Biochemical and Immunity Parameters of Broilers

صفحه 145-151
A. Nobakht


Wet Feeding Mitigates the Adverse Effectsof High Dietary Rice Bran Levels on Growth Performance and Nitrogen Retention of Broiler Chickens

صفحه 153-160
N.S.B.M. Atapattu؛ H.S. Sudusinghe


Proximate, Mineral and Anti-Nutrient Composition of Wild Ganoderma lucidum: Implication on Its Utilization in Poultry Production

صفحه 161-166
A.O. Ogbe؛ A.D. Obeka


The Effects of Dietary Calcium Sources and Vitamin D3 on Egg Quality and Performance in Laying Hens

صفحه 167-175
A. Safamehr؛ S. Hedatyati؛ M.H. Shahir


Evaluation of Canistel (Pouteria campechiana) Fruit Meal as a Feed Ingredient for Poultry

صفحه 177-183
N.S.B.M. Atapattu؛ A.P.S. Mendis


Effect of Garlic Powder (Allium sativum) and Black Seed (Nigella sativa) on Broiler Growth Performance and Intestinal Morphology

صفحه 185-188
J.M. Saeid؛ A.B. Mohamed؛ M.A. Al- Baddy


Effects of Varying Levels of Oxidized Fat and Copper Sulfate on Broiler Performance, Carcass Traits, Blood Metabolites and Immune Cells

صفحه 189-194
A. Nobakht؛ A. Sehati؛ H. Aghdam Shahryar


Effect of Citrus Seed Extracts on Oxidative Stabilityof Raw and Cooked Chicken Meat

صفحه 195-199
K.D. Adeyemi؛ O.A. Olorunsanya؛ O.T. Abe


Effect of in ovo Injection of Royal Jelly on Post-Hatch Growth Performance and Immune Response in Broiler Chickens Challenged with Newcastle Disease Virus

صفحه 201-206
Y. Jafari Ahangari؛ S.R. Hashemi؛ A. Akhlaghi؛ H. Atashi؛ Z. Esmaili؛ M. Ghorbani؛ R. Mastani؛ A. Azadegan؛ H. Davoodi


Physiological, Biochemical and Metabolic Responses of Japanese Quail (Coturnix coturnix japonica) as Affected by Early Heat Stress and Dietary Treatment

صفحه 207-216
E.F. El-Daly؛ I. El-Wardany؛ A.H.A. El-Gawad؛ A.E.A. Hemid؛ N.A.A . El-Azeem

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