
An overview of Cladoceran studies conducted in mine water impacted lakes

صفحه 207-221
Jaakko Johannes Leppänen


Production of fish protein hydrolysates step by step: technological aspects, equipment used, major energy costs and methods of their minimizing

صفحه 223-241
Inna Petrova؛ Ignat Tolstorebrov؛ Trygve Magne Eikevik


Induction of DNA damage in the peripheral blood of zebrafish (Danio rerio) by an agricultural organophosphate pesticide, monocrotophos

صفحه 243-251
Avelyno H. D’Costa؛ S. K. Shyama؛ M. K. Praveen Kumar؛ Trisha M. Fernandes


Prediction of fillet yield in hatchery populations of Asian sea bass, Lates calcarifer (Bloch, 1790) using body weight and measurements

صفحه 253-261
Suthajaree Yenmak؛ Weerakit Joerakate؛ Supawadee Poompuang


Endocrine disrupting effects of 4-nonylphenol on plasma vitellogenin, reproductive system and histology in koi carp (Cyprinus carpio)

صفحه 263-274
Homayoun Hosseinzadeh Sahafi؛ Mehdi Soltani؛ Seyed Pezhman Hosseini Shekarabi


Assessment of bacterial communities in skin ulceration in cultured sea cucumber Apostichopus japonicus (Selenka)

صفحه 275-282
Yi Yang؛ Yuchun Li؛ Zhenlin Liang


α-Melanocyte-stimulating hormone directly increases the plasma calcitonin level and involves calcium metabolism in goldfish

صفحه 283-292
Takahiro Ikari؛ Yuki Kobayashi؛ Yoichiro Kitani؛ Toshio Sekiguchi؛ Masato Endo؛ Akira Kambegawa؛ Kiyoshi Asahina؛ Atsuhiko Hattori؛ Yoshiaki Tabuchi؛ Thumronk Amornsakun؛ Kanta Mizusawa؛ Akiyoshi Takahashi؛ Nobuo Suzuki


Attempts on artificial induction of sexual maturation of sterlet (Acipenser ruthenus) and identification of late spermatogenesis stage in hermaphroditic fish

صفحه 293-297
T. Müller؛ I. Ittzés؛ Zs. Szőke؛ Á. Hegyi؛ E. Mészáros؛ K. K. Lefler؛ Z. Bokor؛ B. Urbányi؛ B. Kucska


Correction to: Effects of salinity on the growth and mucous cells of the abalone Haliotis diversicolor Reeve, 1846

صفحه 299-301
Lota Alcantara Creencia؛ Tadahide Noro

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب