
Changes on soil structural stability after in natura and composted chicken manure application

صفحه 333-338
Thadeu Rodrigues de Melo؛ Alex Figueiredo؛ Wesley Machado؛ João Tavares Filho


Impact of agricultural waste on the shrink–swell behavior and cracking dynamics of expansive soils

صفحه 339-349
Siviwe Odwa Malongweni؛ Yasutaka Kihara؛ Kuniaki Sato؛ Takeo Tokunari؛ Tabhorbayar Sobuda؛ Kaya Mrubata؛ Tsugiyuki Masunaga


Growth and metabolic activities of cowpea seedlings exposed to artificial pond wastewater‑treated soil

صفحه 351-359
F. I. Achuba؛ M. N. Oshiokpu


Feeding of dried sweet orange (Citrus sinensis) peel on humoral immune response of broiler chickens

صفحه 361-367
Z. Pourhossein؛ A. Qotbi؛ A. Seidavi؛ V. Laudadio؛ D. Mazzei؛ V. Tufarelli


Liquid organic fertilizer production for growing vegetables under hydroponic condition

صفحه 369-380
Thanaporn Phibunwatthanawong؛ Nuntavun Riddech


Cultivation of straw mushroom (Volvariella volvacea) on oil palm empty fruit bunch growth medium

صفحه 381-392
Sugeng Triyono؛ Agus Haryanto؛ Mareli Telaumbanua؛ Jamalam Lumbanraja؛ Filip To


Effect of the composting process on physicochemical properties and concentration of heavy metals in market waste with additive materials in the Ga West Municipality, Ghana

صفحه 393-403
Carl Tibu؛ Ted Y. Annang؛ Negasi Solomon؛ Dzidzo Yirenya-Tawiah


Fabrication of a vermifiltration unit for wastewater recycling and performance of vermifiltered water (vermiaqua) on onion (Allium cepa)

صفحه 405-415
Chandrajeet Kumar؛ Ashok K. Ghosh


Food waste in animal feed with a focus on use for broilers

صفحه 417-429
Linda Truong؛ Dan Morash؛ Yanhong Liu؛ Annie King


Bio‑digestion and post‑treatment of effluents by bio‑fermentation, an opportunity for energy uses and generation of organic fertilizers from bovine manure

صفحه 431-438
Luis Antonio Barzallo-Bravo؛ David Carrera-Villacrés؛ Rafael Eduardo Vargas-Verdesoto؛ Lourdes Karina Ponce-Loaiza؛ Modesto Correoso؛ Álvaro Petronio Gavilanes-Quishpi

سامانه مدیریت نشریات علمی. قدرت گرفته از سیناوب